Assignment 11: Final Research Paper
HA4300D-Healthcare Management and SupervisionAssignment 11: Final Research PaperAssignmentTask: Submit to complete this assignmentDirectionsFinal Research Paper – Overview and Instructions.To demonstrate your mastery of the concepts and strategies presented during this course, you will develop a Supervisors’ Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM) for a department operating within a real or fictitious health care facility or organization..You will assume the role of a Human Resources Manager for the health care organization and, during the course, will develop a PPM that will highlight key concepts, strategies, topics, and issues covered during the course..The final paper will consist of four phases each worth 50 pts., and a final compilation worth 100 pts. This writing-intensive course will produce a .final paper of 2500+ words written in APA style. The Supervisors’ Policies and Procedures Manual final Research Paper is due Week 11..Final Paper: Phase I (Week 2 & 3) – Identifying Policy Needs, Overview of Expectations for Supervisors.Final Paper: Phase II (Week 4 & 5) – Measuring Employee Satisfaction, Reward System, Supervisory Communication Skills.Final Paper: Phase III (Week 6 & 7) – Legal Considerations, Identifying & Selecting the Best Qualified Candidate, New Hire Orientation.Final Paper: Phase IV (Week 8 & 9) – Performance Evaluations, Staff Development, Managing Workplace Conflicts.Final Research Paper – (Week 11) – Compilation of final Supervisors’ Policies and Procedures Manualfinal compilation is worth 100 points. Grading will be based on theWriting Content Rubric.Umiker’s Management Skills for the New Health Care Supervisor–Vitalsource [email protected]#magicMAN61