
Running head: YOUR TITLE 1


Comment by Terence Maxwell: -Your running head title and page # belong on the same line-Use the number of the page only. No MLA -Notice the words ‘Running head’ are not in all caps-Only the title you chose for your paper will be in all caps (while in the header)

Your Title Comment by Microsoft Office User: -Your title should summarize the main idea of your paper. It should be a concise statement of the main topic and should identify any variables and the relationship between them. The title (in this area) will not be in all caps. -Use your full first and last name. Include your middle initial (if you have one). -Use SUNY Orange as your institution (not Suny Orange)-This information belongs within the upper half of the title page (approx. 6 – 8 lines from top), and in the order you see here: Title, Name, Institution

First M. Last

SUNY Orange

Your opening paragraph will begin at the top line of the second page. Make sure your first paragraph doesn’t begin at the bottom of the title page (APA error). Your papers will be double-spaced (before 0pt. and after 0 pt.). *Go to Format -> Paragraph -> Spacing to locate where to adjust this. Double-spacing also applies to the title, name and institution section in your Title Page. Your opening paragraph should provide the reader with an introduction to the topic. Depending on assignment, additional information may be required. General rule of thumb, is to answer the questions of ‘what’ (your paper is about) and ‘why’ (is it important). The next section provides one method of creating APA formatted headers. There are multiple methods that are available, so use whichever works best for you.

First, complete your whole paper (including your Title and References page). Next, go to Insert Page Number and select the option that has the page number at the far right of the header (usually option 3). After doing so, your paper should have the appropriate page numbers throughout.

Next, open the header (by double clicking on the header area, or by going to Insert header). From there, go to page 2 and insert your title (remember all caps) right before the number 2. Use the tab or space bar to move your title until it is at the far left of the header. After doing so, your paper should have the correct title and page numbers beginning on page 2 and ending with your References page. But remember, the header on your title page will be different than on all subsequent pages.

To change the header on your title page, open the header and click the box that says ‘different first page’. This will remove the header information from page 1. Once the header is cleared, manually enter Running head, your title (all caps), and page number in the appropriate locations.


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