
high school writing and please read the instruction cheerfully

Write an essay that takes position on the issue you researched in Project III. You will use your research as well as examples from Julie Otsuka’s novel in your discussion of this position. You may also, optionally, use your own experience or field research in your discussion. Remember, a “position” doesn’t need to offer a solution or take a definitive stance; it may, for example, argue for the two main challenges to the mother-daughter relationship or it may argue that the central dilemma faced by a single mother is between providing emotional or financial support to her children. An argument you can fully support in just four to five pages will be small and nuanced. For example, you wouldn’t argue that machismo culture is detrimental to society is but that it limits the possibilities from which men can choose.

The successful essay will likely be 4-5 pages in Times New Roman 12 inch Font. It will include 3-5 outside sources, and the majority of which are scholarly, as well as examples from Junot Diaz’s novel. It will need to correctly cite and/or paraphrase passages from the sources in correct MLA form, and it will not misrepresent the ideas of the sources. You will submit the essay in a folder with and two copies of a final draft, an early draft with my comments, and copies of all your sources. Unethical source use in the Essay IV, which includes inadequate paraphrase, missing citations, and/or citing the wrong source will necessitate your retaking the course.

You will submit a copy of this essay to assess@marymount.edu for program assessment(assessment is not tied to you or to the class); you can include just your student id# or leave your name on it (student id and name will be removed prior to assessment, but we need the identifying information for sample selection). Program assessment helps us evaluate the composition program and know what changes we need to make to it.

Grading Criteria
• Do you have a thesis, even if it is implicit or delayed, that argues something relevant about an issue you researched in Essay III.
• Does your thesis and argument confront this issue in all its complexity rather than over-simplifying the issue?
• Are the reasons and evidence in support of this theme/thesis credible, relevant, and fully developed?
• Does your essay enter into the “conversation” about this issue that you discovered when researching?
• Have you used examples from Junot Diaz’s novel?
• Have you included at least four sources, 2 of which are secondary scholarly sources?
• In citing these sources, have you represented the author’s point of view without distorting it?
• Have you inserted correct parenthetical citations for your sources? Failure to do so may result in a failing grade.
• Do your paraphrases put the ideas of the text into your own words? Failure to do so may result in a failing grade.
• Are your quotes accurate – do they quote the text word for word?
• Have you smoothly integrated these outside voices into you writing?
• Does your paper adequately address opposing viewpoints, while subordinating/critiquing them?
• Does your paper conclude somewhere near the top of page 5 (or on a subsequent page)?
• Are there substantial differences between the first and second draft?
• Do you have an introduction that adequately introduces the essay?
• Do you have a conclusion that adequately concludes the essay?
• Is the essay, as a whole, logically organized?
• Do you make its structure clear to the reader through transitions between paragraphs?
• Are paragraphs logically organized internally?
• Is this organization made clear to the reader through transitions?
• Does the essay avoid repetition?
• Is your writing clean stylistically? Do you use strong verbs and active voice? Are sentences concise and clear? Have you combined sentences as needed to create sentence variety?
• Are filler sentences eliminated?
• Are your sentences grammatically correct? Remember not to use “this” or “that” as a pronoun and to use a comma with an introductory phrase. Also remember to use a comma and a conjunction to connect two independent phrases (phrases that can stand alone as sentences).

• Is the paper typed in Times Roman 12 inch font? Is it double spaced with one inch margins?

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