Locate and record citations for articles you may want to reference, and skim the articles to review the contents.

Locate and record citations for articles you may want to reference, and skim the articles to review the contents.

Synthesis Paper

NOTE: You will create a new Word document for this Assignment instead of typing directly into this document.

Overview: Synthesis Paper

You have been reflecting on changes you have undergone since beginning this program in each of your Journal entries in this course. Now you will synthesize those reflections, plus any other insights into a paper articulating your RN to BSN educational journey. You will use your module Journal entries as well as examples from other RN BSN courses to construct the Synthesis paper.


Synthesis Paper in a reflective activity comprised of your experience in the RN BSN program.

You will address your experiences before the RN BSN program, you as a lifelong learner, you in the continuum of novice to expert in the professional nursing role, an account of your role transition to a professional nurse, and an evaluation of the program.

The Synthesis Paper will reflect your understanding and use of APA format and scholarly writing.



smilesmile. .


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