
Discussion Topic

The mental status exam is based upon your own observations of the client while he or she is in your office. Review the mental status exam outline (Chapter 18, Figure 18.2), as well as the information about DSM diagnosis from Chapter 17 before you complete this discussion.

View the following: National Institute of Mental Health (2015) NIH join with women’s organization to debut postpartum depression video . Retrieved fromhttp://www.deltasigmatheta.org/mhal/postpartum.html

After viewing the video, research how depression is diagnosed using the DSM. It might also be helpful to research postpartum depression. You can use the Kaplan Library and the DSM Library Database. Remember if you use the DSM Database, you will need to scroll down to find the DSM Library link. You can also review information about postpartum depression from the National Institute of Mental Health’swebsite.

Complete a mental status exam based on Janelle from the video. Imagine that you are meeting with her after the birth of her child. Describe your observations of the different areas listed in the outline in Figure 18.2 (pages 339–340). You will have to imagine how Janelle would have presented herself to you based on the information that Janelle shared during the video and based on the research that you conducted on postpartum depression.

Share with your classmates how it felt to complete your first mental status exam. Was there anything that you struggled with or felt that you need more practice with?

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