mgt project 1

Your assignment is to prepare a report for Dr. Nicholas Wagner, Director of Institutional Research at Saginaw Valley State University. The purpose of the project is to provide Dr. Wagner some recommendations on how to improve the likelihood of student success for the freshman class at SVSU.

The following file contains a real dataset, collected from SVSU’s freshman students in the first two weeks after they enter the university, that you will use for your analysis.

DS_Sample Data.xlsxPreview the document

The first tab in the Excel file contains the data and the second one has the description of each of the variables.

Your report should contain the following sections:

Answer these two questions

1. Student readiness analysis

(1) The dataset contains ten measurements of student readiness for college in columns B-K. The description of each one of them is available in the file.

(2) To analyze this data, you need to create additional columns and recode the data, making low a 1, moderate, a 2, and High a 3 (you can use an IF function to do this). In this format, the highest the number, the more prepared the student is.

(3) Once the data is recoded, prepare a table in ascending order of the average for each of these ten measurements.

2. Correlation analysis

(1) Pick the ten measurements of students readiness and create a correlation matrix (you need to use the data analysis tools from Excel to do this, you may need to install it).

(2) Assume that a correlation larger than 0.45 is significant and use Conditional Formatting to highlight those significant correlations.

(3) Provide a potential logical explanation why those correlations are significant.

(References APA style)

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