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The research articles used for this assignment must be reports of single research studies (use the research articles that you submitted for the literature search).

Literature reviews, program evaluations, psychometric evaluations, systematic reviews and meta-analysis or meta-synthesis are important pieces of evidence but are NOT appropriate for this assignment. The research articles that you identify should meet the following criteria:

  • Be current (published within the last 5 – 8 years)
  • Be complete reports of single research studies
  • Be from a peer-reviewed, scholarly journals

It is preferable that the article is from a scholarly nursing journal, but it is recognized that nurses may be a part of an interdisciplinary research team that publishes in journals outside of the discipline of nursing. In this case, one of the authors of the article must be a nurse. It is imperative that the nursing perspective be present in the research.

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Literature review

Goldsborough, J., & Matzo, M. (2017). Palliative Care in the Acute Care Setting. AJN, American Journal Of Nursing, 117(9), 64-67.….

This report explores the palliative care in the acute stages in cancer patients. The report gives the health status of adult cancer patients at the end of life stage and highlights the role that nurses play in providing palliative care. The report stresses on having trained nurses do the palliative at the acute stage because they can better define goals as compared to nurses who do not have training in palliative care. The report recommends that with trained nurses better decisions can be made in complex health situations especially at the end of life stage for cancer patients and in providing support to the patient’s family.

Mueller, K., Hamilton, G., Rodden, B., & DeHeer, H. (2014). Functional Assessment and Intervention by Nursing Assistants in Hospice and Palliative Care Inpatient Care Settings. American Journal Of Hospice And Palliative Medicine®, 33(2), 136-143.

This research study assesses the impact of trained nurses offering palliative care in an urban hospice. The study uses four trained nurses to assess the basic functional activities carried out during the palliative care for cancer patients at the end of life. The study also used an intervention group that was trained by the four selected nurses to compare the quality of care. The study found that the intervention group demonstrated a great level of improvement especially in their ability to achieve set goals of the palliative care. The findings from the study suggested that trained nurses can provide good assessment and intervention and this leads to improved health condition and comfort for patients at the end of life.

Rome RB, Luminais HH, Bourgeois DA, Blais CM. The Role of Palliative Care at the End of Life. Ochsner J. (2011) 11(4):348–352.… free article] [PubMed]

The report gives details of more aggressive palliative care at the end of life to cancer patients. The report identifies the need for aggressive palliative care as a way of giving comfort to cancer patients and support to the family of the dying patient. The report details symptom management that trained nurses offer to cancer patients at the end of life. The report further explores the role of trained nurses in the provision of palliative care, and it focuses on the bereavement and support of the patient’s family. The report concludes that when patients are given palliative care by trained nurses they have a quality life at the end of life, and the family members go through bereavement with much ease because the nurses understand the best way to connect the two interventions.

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