Quality work-24 hrs-400 words

– No plagiarism

– Use resources

– APA format


– Under “Group_Paper.pdf” is the general instruction for the group paper. However since the work is split for 3 members, you will only have to do 1.5 pages.

– “Lecture_1.1.pdf” contains slides about political ideologies and political leaders.


– It seems I am mistaken about what is means by political ideology… if you read the Lecture_1.1 first it will tell you that political ideologies are 1. Conservatism, 2. Liberalism, 3. Socialism, 4. Facism.

– So I suppose Communism is under Socialism… Write about Fidel Castro as a political leader.

– Communism:A Very Short Introduction 

– You are welcome to use 2 other sources of your own, but make sure they are credible.


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