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One of the real problems with this class is winnowing the potential topics to just ten. There are many excellent topics and too little time. Keeping with the theme of Chapter 7 of employees as stakeholders and following DT7’s focus on generational issues, let’s consider employee privacy rights.

Based on your posts to prior topics, most would agree that corporations have obligations to society as a whole, including an obligation to protect the environment. However, should corporations be involved in the lives of their employees? That is, how much latitude should be afforded corporations in the oversight of their employees lives. At what point does corporate concern for its employees in the name of ‘good business’ become at best paternalistic and at worst invasion of privacy?

Corporations have reputations to protect and need employees to function at 100% (or as close thereto as possible) while on the job. The personal life of an employee may impact her/his performance at work and can harm a company’s reputation and, consequently, its bottom-line. Whether formally or informally, historically companies have set out expectations for employees’ private lives from buying at the company store to attending church regularly to marrying or staying married (morality) to being involved in community betterment initiatives to whatever else. Companies routinely expect mid and senior level management to conduct their personal and private lives in ways that reflect positively on the respective corporation. However, applicable legislation notwithstanding, how far should corporations (public or private) be allowed to ‘control’ the private lives of employees?

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