diagnosing mood disorders

Although you may have experienced intense sadness or overt happiness within a given situation, chances are these emotions were not long-lasting. Research has shown diagnoses of mood disorders highlight two specific, factors: severity and consistency. Clients suffering from mood disorders may also present a variety of chronic, maladaptive thoughts, such as suicidal ideation, and behaviors, such as suicide attempts. Although suicidal ideation and suicide attempts may be associated with particular disorders, they are not specific to one disorder or another.

For this Discussion, review the DSM-5 sections of Depressive Disorders, Bipolar and Related Disorders, and Considerations of Medical Conditions and apply the knowledge to the client case study. Think about your rationale for this diagnosis. Also, consider client risk factors for suicide.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post a diagnosis of the client in the case study. Then explain your rationale for assigning on the basis of the DSM. Finally, explain whether this person is at risk for suicide and how you might specifically assess them for suicide. Justify your response with client data and the current literature.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to current literature.

3-4 Paragraphs. APA Format. In-text Citations to Support Literature.

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