argumentative essay 138

Purpose of this Assignment: The purpose of an argumentative essay is to organize and present well-reasoned claim(s), research, and conclusions in order to persuade the audience to accept—or at least seriously consider—your point of view or stance on an issue/debatable topic.

  • At least 4 pages in length; no more than 5.5 pages in length
  • Double-spaced
  • 12-point font
  • Times New Roman font
  • 1-inch margins
  • You must use 3 credible outside sources and you must cite them according to the most current MLA style guide. You must correctly include in-text citations with the author’s last name and page number (Example: Harper 231) that correspond to your correctly formatted Works Cited Page.
  • Include your last name and the page number at the top right-hand corner of each page

(Example: Jones 1)

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