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Your client wants to see new customer segments that might be interested in the new and improved product. For additional information on how to develop a customer profile, visit this Web site. Develop a brief customer profile for your client. The profile will include the following: •Choose 2 new customer segments for the newly repositioned brand, and name them. You can make up a name based on their characteristics. For example, if you were selling a coffee brand, you might have Serious Sippers as a customer segment and Dabble Drinkers as a second segment. •Identify the primary and secondary markets. ◦The primary market is often larger than the secondary market. These customers are often the primary users of the product. ◦The secondary market can include in-between customers who might occasionally use or be interested in the product. •Detail the demographics and the psychographics of both segments. ◦Include the basic characteristics of your current and potential customer, such as age, income, education, and geographic locations. ◦Evaluate your customers’ lifestyles, such as hobbies and other interests.



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