computer art homework

Computer art homeworkExtra credit: envelope


You’ve just started a company. Now you need to promote it. Design a logo, letterhead and business card that represents your company. The business card is 2″ x 3 1/2″.

Use the template to create your file. The file is set up with trim marks guides and rulers. The rulers and guides (view show rulers) (view > guides > show guides) are turned on


Note: Printed materials are measured in inches and points. Web materials are measured in pixels

Create a  3” vector art logo using the Illustrator Pen Tools.The logo must

Contain 1 object with at least 2 curved paths 

Contain 2 colors (black and white are acceptable)

Be more complex than a rectangle or circle.

An object consists of jounednot open paths!

Remember, the card should be be strong, clear and interesting.

When the logo is complete drag it into position on the page.


Using the template in your HW 1 folder

Option+drag 2 copies of the logo 

The Biz card logo should be 1.25” max height or width

Scale (object > transform >scale) one copy for the business card 

The Biz card logo should be 1.25” max height or width

Scale (object > transform >scale) one copy for the Letterhead

The Letterhead card logo should be 2” max height or width (can be  less)

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