journal article 22

Write two pages single space article about Service Day

this the information you need

W University dedicates one day a semester to service learning. It is a time when the campus community engages in volunteerism through local environmental, health, food, and human services organizations. Students are provided the opportunity to participate in projects directly related to their course of study or any particular cause that seems most meaningful to them. The day’s purpose is to build awareness and facilitate responsiveness to issues that align with the greater community needs and moral competent leadership.

And this is where the student and faculty participate during Service Day

1- Genesis Rehabilitation Center / Provide an inspirational program for residents

2- Friends of Sligo Creek / Removing trash, weeds and invasive plants species around Sligo Creek

3- Langley Park Shopping Center – Nursing Students Only / Free Health Screening for pedestrians

4- Wider Circle – Nursing Students Only / Help sort donations, restock showrooms and assist clients as they are selecting items to take home

5- Capital Area Food Bank / Soring donations and preparing meals for the homeless

6- 10 Second Testimony / Participants will create inspirational signs to encourage drivers and pedestrians as they commute through Downtown Silver Spring

7- Pay it Forward / Each participant will be given $5 -$10 to perform random acts of kindness and selfish acts of beauty for strangers in the Langley Park shopping center district

8- Adventist Community Services / Processing Donations, Office Cleaning, and Ground Work

9- Beltway Plaza Mall – Nursing & Health & Wellness Students Only / Provide free physical, fitness and health assessments

10- Red Cross – Blood Drive at the Activity Center / Donating blood.

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