Pick a healthcare organization and identify two of the organization’s strengths

Pick a healthcare organization and identify two of the organization’s strengths

Pick a healthcare organization and identify two of the organization’s strengths and two of the organization’s weaknesses using the value chain
Chapter Four of Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations defines and describes the value chain.

Pick a healthcare organization and identify two of the organization’s strengths and two of the organization’s weaknesses using the value chain. Then determine the competitive relevance of the strengths and weaknesses you have identified.

Your answers should be typed in Microsoft Word document, comprise 4-5 pages for the body in this essay format paper, and meet APA 6 Ed. guidelines (except no Abstract will be used for this short paper).

Your paper should follow (and include) the same main headings found below (remember to center main headings). At least four secondary (in addition to our text) peer-reviewed sources properly cited and referenced are required, along with our text used for this paper. You will attach your paper using the assignment link (see the Assignment Submission link under the Weekly Materials for Week 2).


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